"PDX has an open financial system which will aid commerce and trades globally"
"PDX has an open financial system which will aid commerce and trades globally"
This is one of the best platforms in the world. This allows all users worldwide to use their fiat or cryptocurrency to convert between any liquid currency. Their vision is to be able to reach anywhere in the world and be accessible to every retail user, institution, merchant, supplier and ecosystem partner. With the help of the PDX coin, everyone will be able to use the upcoming virtual banking system with ease. They are ready to implement this on every major online platform by 2024.
It will be the best payment method in the world if it works as promised. Having a single method that users really trust can be a very good approach for a platform. People tend to stick to one method they are familiar with. PDXCoin will make sure that you don't have to choose between multiple payment methods for different platforms. And be able to convert fiat directly from your bank account to cryptocurrency and vice versa.
With a premonition of the impending metaverse, PDXCoin is also thinking about it. They will spread throughout the world of the metaverse. To buy certain items in the metaverse, you can use PDXCoin as your default payment method. This will be used as the payment method for all banking and DeFi products.
Because we are all moving very quickly towards a future, and a future that will be based on online banking and, most likely, on assets. PDXCoin is the first step we need to take to reach this goal.
With the launch of the Q3 project in 2019, they have come a long way and achieved excellent results. 2022 brought us the beginning of the development of a new Siberian blockchain protocol. This has been done and they have moved on to a payment device that will give us easy access to the platform through our smart devices. And they have finished testing their exchange platform.
With this achievement, PDXCoin can now be traded on the p2pb2b exchange platform. The pair being traded is PDX/USDT at $40.15.
From my point of view, this is what we need. They did a very good job with the project to reach this level. Now, if they can keep up with the cryptocurrency market, I think it will be a wonderful project.
Siberia Blockchain
Although PDX was developed on Ethereum blockchain to be an ERC-20 token, it was discovered that for long term use, the network will be unable to meet the needs, and demands of the project, suit the goal of PDX and take the token holders best interest at heart when areas like transaction cost, volume, and speed, user-friendliness, including easy to operate features are examined.

Based on the above reasons, PDX is developing their decentralized financial blockchain network which will be known as Siberia. This recent personalized blockchain will operate the PDX and be administrated as an independent and entirely decentralized blockchain. Around late-2023, the goal of PDX is to be done with Siberia's development including testings for release into the globe. When this time is come, PDX will then migrate from the ETH blockchain to the newly developed Siberia which suits its operations and mission. The impact of this transfer will result in a greatly upgraded transfer process and rapid transaction rate at little to zero cost with no use of a third-party or middleman medium to authorize a transaction as with Ethereum blockchain network.
The Siberia blockchain network is getting developed majorly with the purpose of banking infrastructure and payment methods but, other apps will also be accommodated in the blockchain. Smart contracts will be the basis of Siberia blockchain which will also be open-source, encouraging third-parties projects and innovators to launch and make developments on the technology. This blockchain will be come a multiple chain,multiple layered including protocol to enable several apps as well as transactions be carried out at the same time with the important interoperability feature between various blockchains. Siberia blockchain network will have a PoS consensus technique (Proof-of-Stake) hence, every PDX token holder for Siberia local coin can make decisions since their opinion matter. The integration of Siberia into many systems such as gaming, decentralized finance, entertaining development and banking services is made easy to accomplish goals. The local currency of Siberia system is tradeable and to be listed upon the project's launch.

PDX Coin is an ERC20 utility token that will be traded and known and identified as "PDX Coin", its legal name, and as "PDX", its three-letter symbol, and may be referred to here under it. The PDX, because of its scale and scope, represents the creation of a truly global shadow financial system.
PDX Ñ–Ñ• dÑ–gÑ–tal surrensu that Ñ–Ñ• ° F in the core of the new robuÑ•t bankÑ–ng esoÑ•uÑ•tem and financial services (the "Three Pillars" platform) baÑ•ed on peer-to-peer (ie, NO intermediary) ensrurted And rermÑ–Ñ•Ñ•Ñ–onleÑ•Ñ• raumentÑ• And moneu tranÑ•ferÑ•, globallu, it solves many Problems. It is also considered the leading payment channel in the metaverse.
Holders PDX coins wіll be able to do to іnѕtant raumentѕ and tranѕferѕ anonumouim and іnѕtany, anywhere in the world of In togo, And theіr wіll data stored in the on- іmmutablh bloskshaіn, makіng іt іndeѕtrustіbly, anti And іmroѕѕіble for otherѕ to know without theu. knowledge and consent.
PDX is a worthy project for one to join hands with. The development of Siberia was put in place of Ethereum to enable merchants and other Individuals make use of cryptocurrency. This shows that the platform puts their users first by providing and easy and no cost platform to serve its purpose and be used henceforth for daily transactions with ease. PDX has an open financial system which will aid commerce and trades globally.
For information
- Website: https://pdxcoin.io/
- White Paper: https://pdxcoin.io/files/PDX_White_Paper_December%202021.pdf
- Telegram: https://t.me/PDXToken
- Twitter: https://twitter.com /PDX_Coin
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pdxcoin/
- Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/PDXCoin/
- Wednesday : https://medium.com/pdxcoin
- Purchase Link : https:/ /p2pb2b.io /trade/PDX_USDT/
Proof of Author
Bitcointalk Username: oneal.ngeplox
Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2573674
PDX ERC20 wallet address on P2PB2B: 0xa06819388c705D9456322D69CdA7aCb5456FA38b