ALKOM tokens will be used as payment for adverts & promotions on the platform

ALKOM tokens will be used as payment for adverts & promotions on the platform


Looking at the success made so far in the blockchain, cryptocurrency and DeFi industry and the number of achievements, we decided to honor those who have contributed greatly to this extraordinary positive competitiveness and growth made so far, the likes of Satoshi Nakamoto, Changpeng Zhao, Vitalik Buterin, Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and so many others by creating an NET gaming platform in honor of these great icons. In a season where social distancing and lockdowns have been the order of the day, entertainment has been noted to be succour for most people. We spotted a market there and thought about not just entertainment but incentivising our users to encourage more adopcion. Experts say gaming will be the first real use case for blockchain, revamping the industry and making games more immersive than ever. How gaming navigates the remaining hurdles will become a case study for other Industries considering mass blockchain adoption. Now let's take a look at some statistics on blockchain investments, which has been in an uptrend for the past couple of years. The gaming industry has been receiving a lot of attention and it seems to be the gateway to blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption globally, more and more leading companies are beginning to jump on the trend and get their fan base on the trend.But the driving force would be incentivising and providing a means of passive income in some while providing leisure.


With the average platform taking between 10% and 30% of all gross revenue, profits can be seriously hurt for the majority of developers, especially as the indie game scene continues to grow in strength. There isa real need for a game platform that allows developers to easily publish their games with the least amount of effort possible and without charging enormous fees. The key aim of launching our platform is to successfully attract developers and also give them the tools to deploy their very own game chain and in turm incentivize their users, it could be quite powerful. To tackle the problem of high fees we have chosen the Binance Smart Chain and hope to build and launch our native chain soon.


Driven by the Power of Great Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Icons and existing Games Global competitions to earn ALKOM and NFTS. Stake, and Collateralize All Gaming Platform Assets. While many realize the potential of Non-Fungible Tokens, they still havent reached their full impact on the Ethereum network. This is partly due to high gas fees and a few technical limitations that prevent them from reaching their true potential The first step in making NFTS a truly vital part of the DeFi economy is to ensure that they can generate earnings for their holders and be converted or sold, which is still only dependent on market value.

Smanphone gaming has exploded in the past Couple of years There were more than 200 milion mobile game players st year n the United States aiom The growing demand lor mobile games is a direct resut of the mutiple sechnologica advancements in the mariet, such as AR, VR COud gaming AlSD, in he wahe sl this COVID-19 outbreak, online gaming in picking uo as pace as one of the best options to siay at home ertertainment The market in witnessing a sgnificart uptici in downloads of the various app, and the Lime spent, and engagement in the onine games has atso increased rapidly.


Aiphakombat will build games on the Binance Smart Chain (RSCL which makes use of dual-cain anchitncture technology owing users to accss yper tast trading, while also making use of the smart chains flaiblity Aipharombat users who lack ALKOM tokens in our sman contraa will receive increased rewards, subsidzed on-chain tra nsactions on our DApp, share on profe from the games and NFT ales, and access to ail Aipha Kombat gama characters for free or discounted prices This wil alow Alpha Nombat to stay competiuve in the Parachain bids. thus ensuring the Stability and scalability of the ecosystem.


The intent with Alpha Kombat Platform Chain will be to reward players and developers for their contributions to any given game, and 5o of evem profits made from NFTS minted through a new developed game will go to the game developer By continuing our focus end dedicatang ourselves to the task of making games and their econonies more accessible to everyone, we will stick to our core values and continue devetopment at a steady pace Games on the Alpha Kombat platform can be played by multiple players worldwide, and users can also bet on the outcemes of the gaming results. The winner goes with a minted NFT. and if the user had placed a bet then 90% of that bet will be released to the winner Users who place bet will be surcharged a 10% fee by our platform as a service charge after the conclusion of every game, and every bet requires a 1000ALKOM Staking. We believe firmly that before a game store can be commercially viable, it needs to be based around an excellent library of games, se we talke the short term to work on improving our game tides, releasing new ones, and forging partnerships with both studios and sola developers, meanwhile developing and improving our client and launcher solutions. This steady pace of development, along with our excellent track record is the key to delivering a high-quality product in a limited amount of time. We haven't and will not, let our growing community down!


Dual player gaming console - two players can compete from different locations.
Betting platform: Other users can bet on ongoing games they find on the platform.
Staking and LP mining.
NFT minting with a pegged market value. Gaming merchandise ecommerce platform.
Developer console and publishing platform.acters etc.


NFTS and ALKOM token taurnament. Winners will (in 3rd place structure) wins $3k, $2k & $1k worth of tokens.

Betting on yames on our platform and playing certain levels of competitions for higher rewards will require buying ALKOM tokens to unlock those leatures

NFTS will lae pegged to dollar $1000 $2000 worth of ALKOM tokens

ALKOM Single token and LP mining to earn passive income.

ALKOM will be used as fee and commissions on the platform.

ALKOM will be used to purchase armours, healupoints, unlock new characters and mare professianal experience on the platform.

ALKOM tokens will be used as payment for adverts & promotions on the platform.


ALKOM will be used as fee and commissions on the platform. ALKOM will be used to purchase armours, health, points. uniock new characters. NFTS and ALKOM Loken tournament. Winners will (in 3rd place structure) wins Sk, $2k & S1k worth of tokens. Betting on games on cur platform and playing certain levels of competitions lor higher rewards will require buying of tokens to unlock those features NETS will be pegged at $1000 $2000 worth of ALKOM tokens. Game winner wins one NFT that can be sold for ALKOM tokens.


Total supply: 1,000,000,000 ALKOM
Rewards/Ecosystem: 13%, Locked, 10% to be released cach subsequent month
Legal: 1%, Locked for 3 months
Presale: 35, 20% to be released during Token Generation, 20% to be released in the subsequent week
Marketing: 15%, Locked, 10% to be released each subsequent month
Team reserve: 4%, Locked for 6 months
Development: S%, Locked, 10s to be released each subsequent month
Treasury: 18%, Locked for 6 months
Liquidity: 9%

Contact Information

Bitcointalk Username: oneal.ngeplox
BEP-20 Wallet Address : 0x647Cd0A9B5108980BF3bf3672b739376FFA167a9


Copyright © 2015. oneal.ngeplox